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Tapping in to public funding opportunities

Chante Harris

VP @ Capalino

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About this Webinar


Grant writing
Business strategy

Best For

Idea stage
Proof of concept
Beta testing / Pre-revenue
Product in-market & generating revenue

Why you should take this workshop

Public funding presents a unique opportunity for early-stage and growth-stage startups seeking ways to scale. Tapping into design challenges, pilot projects, strategic partnerships and procurement opportunities can provide a sustainable way to grow. Additionally, numerous tax incentive and economic development programs also exist that may help companies reduce burn rate, conserve cash and leverage partnerships - but a business strategy incorporating public funding often requires contingency and risk-adjusted go-to-market planning. Join IFundWomen and Chante Harris, Vice President at Capalino, to learn how to take advantage of public funding opportunities and use them to grow your business.

About the coach

VP @ Capalino