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Grant Writing 101: Demystifying the grant landscape

Virginia Almendarez

Startup Coach at IFundWomen

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About this Webinar


Grant writing

Best For

Idea stage
Proof of concept
Beta testing / Pre-revenue
Product in-market & generating revenue

Why you should take this workshop

Looking for free money for your startup? Grants are undoubtedly the BEST match for this type of funding. Grants are debt-free funds to help you bring your idea, project, or company to life. But how can do you secure this highly competitive and elusive “grant” funding, even if you’re in the early stages of your business? Join IFundWomen Startup Coach and experienced grant writer, Virginia Almendarez, to demystify the grant landscape.  In this workshop, you will learn how to find the right grant for your business, how to hack the application process so grant writing is easier, and how to write a winning grant application!

About the coach

Startup Coach at IFundWomen