Lupus Pledge
We want to help lupus patients take control of their health through dietary intervention study.

Project Description
Charlotta spent 9 years battling lupus. High dosages of multiple drugs caused heart, kidney and liver problems and therefore were no longer a sustainable option. Seeing specialists on both coasts and faced with corrective eye surgery as well as infertility, she reached out to Mymee.
Through data-driven coaching using the Mymee platform underlying causes were identified and Charlotta gained an understanding of how her behavior influenced her condition enabling her to change a few key behaviors. Within the first year, her blood work came back completely normal for the first time in 10 years. She was able to safely reduce her use of meds. On top of improving her overall quality of life, she was able to get pregnant and give birth to her beautiful daughter, Lea.
Despite its significance, there are no lupus studies validating the impact of dietary intervention. Your blood work might give an indication of what’s wrong, but it doesn’t tell us anything about the environment that goes into producing your condition. Through beta testing and working with patients, we have gained significant understanding of lupus and we have seen that when identifying disease triggers we can reverse disease symptoms. That means that through diet & lifestyle changes we can guide you to improved health. We want to help lupus patients take control of their health through dietary intervention study.
With your $50K pledge we can start a NYC based lupus study—and change lives.
Working with Mymee has changed the way I view medicine — Dr. Paul Abramson, The Quantified Doctor.
The Campaign FAQs
Why are you raising money to do this project?
The question is not so much whether or not the Mymee program work. We have worked with lots of lupus SLE patients since we worked with Charlotta in 2012 and have seen that it is possible to reverse disease symptoms. We can keep working with the patients who can afford this treatment but our big hope is that someday we will be able to persuade insurance companies to provide this as a covered service to patients so that everyone who needs help can get it. In order to get there, we need to prove the validity of the intervention within the framework of a rigid IRB reviewed lupus study.
Why is the program more expensive if I want it for a friend or for myself than for a lupus patient?
Our standard price for the three-month coaching program is $3,000. For helping us raise money to fund this lupus trial through iFundWomen we are giving you a $1,000 discount and throwing in the 9 months of post-treatment support for free. If you are being generous and gifting this to a friend or family member, then we commend you and want to give you an additional $400 generosity discount. If you are doing the highest level of charity and supporting a stranger living with lupus, then we offer this option at the cost we have to pay our staff so that we can provide the service.
What can this program do for someone who doesn’t have Lupus?
Our starting point for exploration is the understanding that we all are very different. We help you understand how your lifestyle impacts your health on a very specific, personalized basis. While the protocol was designed to treat lupus and other autoimmune diagnoses it turns out that it can be helpful with a wide variety of chronic health issues. Our founder even used the platform to help a friend who was already a national champion ultrarunner increase his performance by 30%! By simply tracking symptoms and factors in your day-to-day life you establish an understanding of how your body works. You’ll work with a practitioner to gather and analyze your personal data and turn this data into useful insights to improve your quality of life. If you have a question about if Mymee can be used to help with a particular disease feel free to contact us at [email protected].
How does it actually work?
Once signed up you download ‘Mymee’ in the App store. You will receive an activation code to your personal app, which your then can be tailored to you. Once the app has been personalized, you begin to track your food intake and your symptoms. Your practitioner will have access to a platform with immediate visibility to your incoming data. This allows them to review the data and help you understand what’s going on and implement the needed behavioral change. Each week your health coach will review the prior week’s data with you and give you suggestions for things you might try to become the optimal you. After 12 weeks, you should be feeling your best, we switch to biweekly and then monthly check-ins with your coach just to make sure your new behaviors have become thoroughly engrained as habits that will last you the rest of your life.

Contribute $50 or more to this project and we will add you to our quarterly mailing list so that you can hear about the patients that you have helped and our progress as we scale.
You want to make a difference but not sure who could use this program? Pledge for a 'Lending Hand' and we will provide a Lupus patient going through hardship with our life- changing program - free of charge
Help your loved one understand what goes into building their disease and how to identify and eliminate the triggers with the Mymee program. Disease trigger detection and Health Coaching (3 month) + Access to the Mymee platform support (9 months)
A detailed program customized specifically to address your chronic illness or need for a better quality of life. Our initial focus is on Lupus but we have worked with patients who have a wide array of autoimmune diseases, even cancer, and the program has also been used to help ultra-athletes improve their performance. Disease trigger detection and Health Coaching (3 months) + Access to the Mymee platform (9 months)
Are you a clinician or health coach who cares about the whole patient but you lack the tools to make the data collection easy and helpful to your practice? Sign up for this reward and we will give you a discounted 1-month trial for the Mymee platform so you can test it with some of your patients and decide if it is right for your patients.
Already heard of the Mymee platform and ready to sign up to use it? Sign up now and skip the waiting list, we will set you up first and we will give you a year of service at a great price!
Contribute $50 or more to this project and we will add you to our quarterly mailing list so that you can hear about the patients that you have helped and our progress as we scale.
You want to make a difference but not sure who could use this program? Pledge for a 'Lending Hand' and we will provide a Lupus patient going through hardship with our life- changing program - free of charge
Help your loved one understand what goes into building their disease and how to identify and eliminate the triggers with the Mymee program. Disease trigger detection and Health Coaching (3 month) + Access to the Mymee platform support (9 months)
A detailed program customized specifically to address your chronic illness or need for a better quality of life. Our initial focus is on Lupus but we have worked with patients who have a wide array of autoimmune diseases, even cancer, and the program has also been used to help ultra-athletes improve their performance. Disease trigger detection and Health Coaching (3 months) + Access to the Mymee platform (9 months)
Are you a clinician or health coach who cares about the whole patient but you lack the tools to make the data collection easy and helpful to your practice? Sign up for this reward and we will give you a discounted 1-month trial for the Mymee platform so you can test it with some of your patients and decide if it is right for your patients.
Already heard of the Mymee platform and ready to sign up to use it? Sign up now and skip the waiting list, we will set you up first and we will give you a year of service at a great price!