Chronic Sex
A safe place to discuss self-love, relationships, and sexuality with illness and disability

Project Description
Chronic Sex aims to open up conversations about issues often missed by health care providers in regards to chronic illnesses and disabilities, namely those that affect quality of life. Issues like how we relate to ourselves, how we relate to others, our sexuality, and our sex lives are very rarely discussed with our providers, but heavily affect - and are affected by - our illnesses and disabilities.
In order to accomplish these goals, we have a website, a weekly chat on Twitter, a podcast, and various other projects to come. A heavy social media presence is a must as well to maximize reach.
We believe that the best way to accomplish our end goal is to achieve non-profit status. Attending various conferences in order to raise awareness of the project and network is also needed for optimal networking. Funds raised here will help to support Chronic Sex with these efforts, from helping to support the podcast to funds for non-profit application to funding for travel and attending conferences.
The Campaign FAQs
Potential challenges could include facing difficulty at first in finding people to discuss such sensitive topics. However, due to the Chronic Sex website and weekly chat, we are prepared to be able to handle these topics for several months until a larger following develops. There may not be as much return on attending some conferences in the medical field as there are for attending sex/sexuality conferences. The latter will take priority in order to maximize the potential of these funds.

You will receive a shout-out on social media AND our podcast.
You will get a personal thank you card with Chronic Sex stickers and another surprise.
You receive all of the above as well as a permanent listing as a sponsor on our website.
A donation at this level will snag you the above as well as the exclusive pick of a podcast guest, whether that is yourself or a pal.
A donation at this level will snag you the above as well as access to exclusive behind-the-scenes clips, personalized communication fun, and more.
You get the above as well as access to the first chronic sex workshop, currently in the beginning stages of planning. You will receive a recording of this workshop as well.
Various projects for Chronic Sex are in the works, including a book. You will get exclusive access to behind-the-scenes looks at the processes and progress behind these upcoming projects.
You will receive a shout-out on social media AND our podcast.
You will get a personal thank you card with Chronic Sex stickers and another surprise.
You receive all of the above as well as a permanent listing as a sponsor on our website.
A donation at this level will snag you the above as well as the exclusive pick of a podcast guest, whether that is yourself or a pal.
A donation at this level will snag you the above as well as access to exclusive behind-the-scenes clips, personalized communication fun, and more.
You get the above as well as access to the first chronic sex workshop, currently in the beginning stages of planning. You will receive a recording of this workshop as well.
Various projects for Chronic Sex are in the works, including a book. You will get exclusive access to behind-the-scenes looks at the processes and progress behind these upcoming projects.