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Net Work = Net Worth: How to raise more money with network mapping

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About this Webinar


Business and product launch
Sales strategy

Best For

Idea stage
Proof of concept
Beta testing / Pre-revenue
Product in-market & generating revenue

Why you should take this workshop

The key to success in crowdfunding is selling your product, service, or side-hustle to the right people and inviting your community to support you! The biggest mistake we see when people launch their campaigns is not taking the time to map their network and designing unique rewards. If you've launched (or are about to launch) a crowdfunding campaign and having a hard time raising money, this is a must watch! Our Founder, Karen Cahn, put together this step-by-step tutorial in January documenting how she network mapped to raise $50K for the Women's March NYC! Download our IFW Network Map here if you don't have it already!

About the coach