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Renaissance World Beauty Spa

Renaissance World is a one stop shop for everything cosmetically for men and women. (Non-surgical & natural beauty)

pledged of$500,000 goal
689Days Left
Fund it
Campaign Ends on December 14, 2026

Project Description

   Renaissance World’s purpose is to provide a healthy, clean, and affordable beauty spa experience for men and women.  Our mission is to change lives in the process of making people feel great. 

 Renaissance World will partner with Grant’s Village and Bethematch. Not only will they donate 10% revenue, they will give makeovers to the homeless community quarterly, and promote organizations in every lobby. 

 Renaissance World will be easy to market and has an global online application to be implemented into the business. The beauty business is a major industry.

 Renaissance World is all about giving back to the community and making people feel good in a safe and clean space. 

 Renaissance Woman LLC is seeking funding to purchase a location for Renaissance World.  The funds will be used to secure a building and start production.

 Renaissance World has licensed, professional 1099 employees and salaried management. 

     Thanks for your support! You are appreciated! 


The Campaign FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions:

  How can I support BETHEMATCH? Text LailaPaige44 to 61474 to find out more

 How can I support Grant’s Village? Give something special ( money, food, a hug or nice conversation) to a homeless person in need. Until our 501c3 is approved





Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

0 Supporters
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About the Entrepreneur

Oceanside, CA
Created 1 Campaign
Business Services
Health + Science
Modern Media
Social Good


Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

0 Supporters
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