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can you help our books with Amazon?

Hello there!

This is Britt, the Founder of I'm emailing you now because we're hitting a wall with Amazon, and we need help from people who have supported our board books - that's you!

Last month we published an updated edition of our books with discussion questions for families and educators! Unfortunately, Amazon (and GoodReads) are not letting us transfer the reviews from our first editions to our current editions. We don't want our board books to loose traction, especially with PRIDE coming up so soon.


Would you be willing to leave us a review?


And here are the Amazon links (if you prefer leaving a GoodReads review that's needed too!):


Thank you so so much in advance. We couldn't do what we do without you.

Here's to raising good humans one story at a time,


Founder (she, hers) | Little Feminist

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