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September 23 - The Final Stretch

Front counter views... We can already picture our community gathering here for a cup of tea. What are you going to try first? A brand new blend, something from the toast menu, or will you stick with one of our classic chais? 

We're SO CLOSE to hitting our stretch goal and being able to get a brand new brew kettle that our production crew will use to make even more fresh chai! In this new space, visitors will be able to watch production in action through the windows pictured behind the counter. 

Remember, ANY contribution will get you an invite to our Soft Opening Party! If you contribute $50 or more during our 'stretch goal' period (right now - October 15th), we will add a quart of fresh chai concentrate to your rewards. 

We are SO EXCITED for you all to see this special place in person...

Chico Chaihouse coming in NOVEMBER!