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May 17 - Inside update

Our Main Office

It may just look like an empty room now (it is), but soon, there will be desks and people in here!

Do you see that big window? We can't wait for all that natural light, 

and made sure to continue this theme throughout the building.


Here's the Brewery!

If you know the space our production crew was working with before (it's not a lot of space), 

you probably know how excited they are start working in this big, bright chai brewery!


And last but not least:

the Teahouse!

To the left of the photo is where the main counter will be, this is where you'll order your tea and toast!

Look up top to one of our favorite things about this space - the skylights 😍

The space you see to the right will be seating, and down the hall connects with the office (so

we can come say hello 😊).

We also have special plans for that little 'nook' or corner you see straight down the center,

but we're not giving that away yet! We'll give you this: it's going to be pretty.


Stay tuned for more updates!