So August 1st is my birthday. This year it's falling on a Full Super Moon, which for all of you who are interested in that kind of thing, it's a really really great time to set intentions for things you want to manifest.
We're thrilled to walk into a new decade with all of you joining us on this wild journey. I can't believe I'm 50 this year!!! The last decade has been a rough ride and I'm so ready to move into a new one. Even more so to move into this new cycle of my life with the intention of more fully supporting our students, our alumni, our community in real ways.
The things we need to help this move forward have been unfolding with the ease of a flower blooming and just as beautifully. Whether it's someone stepping up to help with PR or the person at the city office who was one of our alumni who was thrilled to see IPSB on our paperwork and didn't make us wait for our business license because she has such happy memories of IPSB. Synchronicity has been a part of this project in a way we've rarely experienced and greatly appreciate.
Please share this campaign with anyone and everyone who might be open to supporting it. We know there are so many people who aren't on our mailing lists and hate to not include someone.
We can't wait for our launch parties, We're looking forward to seeing you all there and celebrating with you!!!
Sending you all the love and joy!
Sabrina & Cyndi Ortolano