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10/2/21 - The "end" of our campaign

When I launched this campaign over the summer, I had a bold goal to raise $20,000 for Hacker in Heels. Twenty of you went beyond the words of support to demonstrable backing of the mission. To all of the contributors I am immensely grateful.

Though I have raised only a quarter of the funds targeted, the money greatly helps with covering operating expenses. It gives Hacker in Heels a longer runway to continue the growth of our community and evolution of our programs. The experience overall has provided a ton of learnings and insights for the way forward.

As I focus on providing a phenomenal Security+ Study Squad experience (which just kicked off this week!) and setting up Hacker in Heels for even more success in 2022, I have decided to scale back but keep open this campaign for additional contributions.

In fact, we still have spaces in my *favorite* reward offering—the virtual wine tasting and social! Now at a reduced price of $225, you'll receive THREE FULL-SIZED bottles of wine from Tres Sabores, a family-owned and women-led winery in California. Check out the rewards list for all the details.

Summer may be over, but you can keep the party going with the Hot Hacker Summer playlist. And if you've headed back to school and realize you need a laptop sleeve to protect your computer, our custom-designed, fun and feminine design is also still available.

With your continued support, I'm confident we'll reach that $20,000 goal in time... maybe even by the end of the year!

So much gratitude,