Our crowdfunding campaign is almost over! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us through IFundWomen. Each of you has not only given us a financial boost, but strengthened our confidence and encouraged us on this difficult but meaningful journey.
Please encourage friends and family to give before this campaign closes on Friday evening. We truly believe these rewards are worth having, and we also need all the support we can get so we can direct our future sales income towards social good.
Speaking of rewards, I know we haven't kept to the delivery timelines we stated, and I apologize. This is my first crowdfunding experience and I underestimated the time and effort required. I also didn't realize how hard our funder report would be to read and sort! But the report will also be much easier to read and sort once the campaign ends and we can have One Report to Rule Them All (ok, that was probably the wrong book reference for this particular issue, but I couldn't resist).
If you're eagerly awaiting rewards, please check in and we'll give you a status update and try to give yours an extra push. We'll work hard during the next two weeks to review our report, order custom items, and get things sent out.