Hey there early funder!
First things first, thank you so much for your contribution to this campaign. Your generosity will not just go a long way in terms of bringing this product to life, but your early support is especially meaningful to me on a personal level.
I wanted to share an update on where we are in the launch and tell you about a special event I'll be hosting in one week that I would love for you to join!
We are launching publicly on Friday March 5 but you're invited to a special event the evening of Thursday, March 4 to celebrate moving into this next stage of my business!
I'll be hosting a virtual launch party on Thursday, March 4. During this time you'll:
- Learn the story of how I came up with the product and brought it to life
- Get some insight into the R&D process as well as what it's been like developing a crowdfunding campaign
- Learn more about my goals, stretch goals, and what I plan to do with the funds
- See a product demo
- Meet the creative team who has been there every step of the way
- See some special behind-the-scenes footage
- Learn how you can continue to support me and this project
- Get to ask any Qs you might have
We'll also be raffling off a set of the limited edition inaugural card deck!
RSVP here to join me Thursday, March 4 at 7 pm CST. BYOB 🙃
Hope to see you there!
- Jane