Simply Faye LLC
"Luxury is in each detail"
Project Description
Hello, my name is Faye Harris
Owner of SimplyFayellc
My business Is a cup/shirt business. I have been on and off since 2018.I lost my job in 2018 and dived right into selling cups and shirts since then I have been back to work and put my business on hold. I also do a little resin crafts on the side but my main focus have been cups and shirts .I'm a single mother recently divorced and I just came to a spot where I feel I need to get back to what makes me happy and that's creating smiles all over the world through my business. My family is proud as well when I push my business. My niece asks me all the time auntie when you will start back pushing your business and I say the same thing all the time whenever I find the extra money to put toward it. With being the only parent between kids and bills it's very hard to come up with extras. I see myself as a small business now but I'm looking to eventually grow big enough to become a family business. where my family members become my staff. I love what I do, and it took a Minute for me to realize this is where I belong. So that's what I'm going to do.
If I'm rewarded the grant, I'm going to use it toward my stock and material needed for my business.
2.heat press
3.printer to print designs
4.transfer paper
7.cricut cutter 3
My team consists of my family
2 Two nieces
1 Sister
1 cousin
3 Three sons
Thank you everyone who has considered backing me and helping me reinvent my business.
The Campaign FAQs
Who will be running this business?
Faye Harris
Will you have help?
yes, my family is helping
Does this business mean a lot to me?
Yes, so much. it's the very difference on me working for myself vs working for someone else.
What is your goal?
My goal is to become a big company and one day being able to hire staff
Also to become financially free.
Just Because I Care
Just Because I Care