Self Care Made Magical!
My Little Magic Shop provides the tools, education and community to ensure your self care routine is inspired, empowered and magical!

Project Description
Do you feel like you struggle to establish a consistent self-care routine for yourself?

Does it seem too time-consuming or too daunting? You realize that you should put some more thought and energy toward your own well-being. It just isn't that simple. The right tools and the right methods seem outside your reach. They cost too much money, they require too much research, or there is no one to keep you accountable along the way.
Then, you stumble – and it's as if all of your work to that point, all of the effort you have put toward your self-development, has been for nothing.
I get it. I've been there.
Healing was never my long-term goal. Instead, I was just trying to go through life, working toward the goals that I had set for myself and doing what I could to keep my head up. I had never seen spirits when I was younger, and while mystical practices were intriguing to me, I enjoyed staring up at the stars more than anything else. By my 20s, I had shifted even further away from magic. I thought that there was nothing more worthwhile than the corporate ladder – every rung of it, however far I could make my way up it and whatever rewards I could reap along the way. I thought of myself as a C-suite-in-training. Nothing was going to stop me from landing in an executive position.
When I did immerse myself in magic once again, it was not for its own sake but because I needed some sort of relief from the heavy pressure and the constant stress that I had put onto my shoulders. I was running myself ragged trying to keep up with my dreams, which loomed larger than ever. At my Saturn return, though, I rethought all of the assumptions that I had made about my direction and my future. I felt deeply disconnected and sad about my career. The only thing that picked me up was the prospect of intuition development classes and astrology charts.
So, I retreated into myself. I put everything on pause, and I took the time to examine my anxiety closely. I realized how dissatisfying my life had become and decided to forge a new path for myself. From then on, I embraced the curiosity, mysticism, and spirituality that had been calling to me throughout all of my years as a corporate retail professional. I started a second life for myself as an astrologer, shamanic practitioner, reiki master teacher, crystal healer, and timeline meditation healer.
I know what this journey has meant to me. Now, I want to make it available to others.
Introducing: My Little Magic Shop

Through My Little Magic Shop, I am putting astrology-powered self-care within your reach. This is exactly the type of spiritual nourishment and empowerment that I needed when I was at my lowest point. It is also, however, the sort of resource that anyone can use to grow, no matter where they may be in their life.
It's a subscription box, yes, but it is also so much more than that. Included in your box, delivered straight to your doorstep every month, are tools, expert support, and access to a community of like-minded people, all sharing in your goal of self-actualization and self-healing.
From candles to crystals to tarot cards to journals to guides to rituals and beyond, there will be big surprises and small joys built into every My Little Magic Shop box. In addition, as a subscriber, you get inside access to events and workshops, all planned and run alongside my partners.
My goal is, above all else, to remind you of the awe and wonder that are yours for the taking. Whether you feel bored with your life or you simply want a stronger bridge to other magical thinkers, My Little Magic Shop is the solution for which you have been waiting. You are in control of your experience, of course. While we co-create the universe, you get to decide what My Little Magic Shop means to you and what you are going to do with it.
My Little Magic Shop is already live, but I know that it can become even more than it is. I am turning to you for help expanding it.
My Goal
Right now, I am looking to raise $5,000 to cover the costs of hiring a consultant and migrating the site to Shopify. I have already invested significant capital establishing My Little Magic Shop, but I am bursting with other ideas. Long-term, I would like to launch stores, retreat centers, turn my podcast into an interview show, and produce documentaries about spiritual matters. To do all that, I need to put together as much seed funding as possible. If I raise anything above my goal, I will divert the remainder to promotions, bringing My Little Magic Shop to as many people as I can.
To say thanks to everyone who makes a monetary contribution to this campaign, I am offering some exclusive rewards, including discounts on My Little Magic Shop subscriptions.
Contribute now and become a part of the My Little Magic Shop movement!
Risks & Challenges
Because My Little Magic Shop is up and running, I do not foresee any major challenges ahead. My number-one goal is growth, getting this useful and life-changing subscription box out to a wider audience. I pledge to keep you updated on all of the progress that I make, looping you in on any deals I offer on My Little Magic Shop in the future.
One More Way to Help
In addition to making a monetary contribution to this campaign, you can show your support for My Little Magic Shop by sharing a link to the campaign on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media platforms you use. The more people are aware of My Little Magic Shop, the smoother the expansion will go.
I appreciate all your support, and I thank you for your time.

About Shereen
Shereen is a former corporate retail executive as well as an Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher, Akashic Records Practitioner, Shamanic Practitioner, Crystal Healer and Timeline Meditation Healer.
Taking her love for alternative healing modalities and combining it with her experience in retail, Shereen created My Little Magic Shop to make finding and creating self care rituals based on ancient practices easier. Her goal is to share practical, self empowerment techniques and tools so that others can make their own magic in life and manifest their dreams. Shereen received her BA in Journalism from NYU in 2005 and was recently awarded an MBA in 2020.
The Campaign FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions:
- How will I receive my reward? You will get instructions on how to redeem your reward via email within 24 hours of purchase.
- When will digital workshops be available? Most digital workshops tied to the rewards will occur in June and July. You will be able to pick from a range of dates.
- How can I reach out with more questions? You can email us at [email protected] anytime. We love to hear from you.

An Intuitively Chosen Crystal + Crystals 101 Group Session
Our magical team will intuitively choose a crystal for you and mail it to you with an info card. We will also give you a ticket to a Virtual Crystals 101 Group Session to learn more about crystals. Crystals 101 Group Sessions will occur weekly through June and July. Upon sign up, you will receive a code to redeem on the site.
Donations of all sizes are welcome! Become a General Friend of My Little Magic Shop with your monetary donation, today!
Social Media Shoutout
We will give you a magical shoutout in a social media post and tag you as a thank you!
(please add your handle when checking out)
Introductory A Little Zen Box with Group How to Session
With this reward you will receive our official introductory version of A Little Zen Box along with a ticket to attend a virtual session on how to use everything in the box to check your chakras, use your pendulum, smudge and perform a candle ritual. Virtual sessions will run weekly through June and July and information will be provided once your box is mailed to you.
Custom Ritual
Shereen will create a custom ritual for you based on your unique astrology chart and any additional information you provide. She will send you all the tool you need as well as detailed instructions on how to perform your ritual. You will be sent a code to redeem on the website.
30 Minute Business Coaching or Excel Tutoring
Shereen will give you 30 minutes of business coaching or excel tutoring. Her business coaching will be from a spiritual perspective to provide you with guidance on how to manifest or make changes to the business of your dreams. Her excel tutoring will cover some fundamental excel tricks and tips to ensure your business financials are handled seamlessly.
Private Astrology Reading & Healing Session - 1 Hour
This ultimate healing session includes a private astrology reading as well as a chakra balancing session with Shereen. She will review your chart, cover the energy for the upcoming months as well as discuss your opportunities for growth. Then she will assess your chakras and decongest any that need a little loving.
Intention Setting Party - up to 5 People
This intention Setting Party is a blast for those celebrating important milestones, birthdays or just want to manifest big changes in your life. Let Shereen guide you and up to 4 of your friends on a powerful intention setting journey. You know what they say, the power of one is incredible, the power of many is limitless. Manifest with your friends now!
Twelve Month Subscription to A Little Zen Box with Private Coaching
This Super Zen Magic package will give you 12 months of A Little Zen Box AND monthly coaching with Shereen. She will help you set intentions, create goals to align more with the universe, look at your chart, give you reiki and so much more throughout the year. This is one deal you do not want to miss!
An Intuitively Chosen Crystal + Crystals 101 Group Session
Our magical team will intuitively choose a crystal for you and mail it to you with an info card. We will also give you a ticket to a Virtual Crystals 101 Group Session to learn more about crystals. Crystals 101 Group Sessions will occur weekly through June and July. Upon sign up, you will receive a code to redeem on the site.
Donations of all sizes are welcome! Become a General Friend of My Little Magic Shop with your monetary donation, today!
Social Media Shoutout
We will give you a magical shoutout in a social media post and tag you as a thank you!
(please add your handle when checking out)
Introductory A Little Zen Box with Group How to Session
With this reward you will receive our official introductory version of A Little Zen Box along with a ticket to attend a virtual session on how to use everything in the box to check your chakras, use your pendulum, smudge and perform a candle ritual. Virtual sessions will run weekly through June and July and information will be provided once your box is mailed to you.
Custom Ritual
Shereen will create a custom ritual for you based on your unique astrology chart and any additional information you provide. She will send you all the tool you need as well as detailed instructions on how to perform your ritual. You will be sent a code to redeem on the website.
30 Minute Business Coaching or Excel Tutoring
Shereen will give you 30 minutes of business coaching or excel tutoring. Her business coaching will be from a spiritual perspective to provide you with guidance on how to manifest or make changes to the business of your dreams. Her excel tutoring will cover some fundamental excel tricks and tips to ensure your business financials are handled seamlessly.
Private Astrology Reading & Healing Session - 1 Hour
This ultimate healing session includes a private astrology reading as well as a chakra balancing session with Shereen. She will review your chart, cover the energy for the upcoming months as well as discuss your opportunities for growth. Then she will assess your chakras and decongest any that need a little loving.
Intention Setting Party - up to 5 People
This intention Setting Party is a blast for those celebrating important milestones, birthdays or just want to manifest big changes in your life. Let Shereen guide you and up to 4 of your friends on a powerful intention setting journey. You know what they say, the power of one is incredible, the power of many is limitless. Manifest with your friends now!
Twelve Month Subscription to A Little Zen Box with Private Coaching
This Super Zen Magic package will give you 12 months of A Little Zen Box AND monthly coaching with Shereen. She will help you set intentions, create goals to align more with the universe, look at your chart, give you reiki and so much more throughout the year. This is one deal you do not want to miss!