Rebel Nell Wants to Go National!
We are a small women-owned business that exists to employ, educate and empower women with barriers to employment that want to go National.
Project Description
Mission Statement: Rebel Nell exists to employ, educate and empower women facing barriers to employment (women faced with homelessness, refugees or formerly incarcerated).
Our Why: Rebel Nell believes there is an infinite source of strength in all of us to define our future. Within each and every one of us is the ability, resilience and the fortitude to claim personal control and to enrich our lives with meaning and fulfillment. By removing the barriers that bind certain women in Detroit, Rebel Nell enables them to draw upon their own strength and ability to reclaim their personal control and transform their lives for the better.
Business Concept: Many women are economically disadvantaged and often find themselves without a home or support system, dependent on government subsidies, and confined to a life with little, if any opportunity to break the cycle. Rebel Nell provides a holistic and individualized approach to address many of the challenges that have been a barrier to self-sufficiency. Rebel Nell provides employment by teaching the women a marketable skill (jewelry making), required educational classes (i.e. financial literacy, women empowerment, health and wellness, etc,), housing and transportation assistance, and offering an overall support system.
Social Problem: The amount of homelessness in Detroit is overwhelming. While there are many wonderful shelters that exist and serve and incredible need, they need support to help solve a bigger problem: unemployment. These women need job training, life coaching and work experience to help them leave homelessness behind permanently.
Theory of Change: The problem with the increasing number of disadvantaged/homeless women will not be resolved without increasing the number of job opportunities to meet societal needs. These women are challenged with many obstacles that often leave them desolate and feeling like they have nowhere to turn. Rebel Nell provides an opportunity to learn a marketable skill (jewelry making), instill in them a sense for business, teach them the elements that they need to transition into the working world, the women attain the confidence to overcome those challenges. The result is women who learn the necessary lessons in business and life management that translate well into other opportunities for growth. By providing a safe environment that nurtures, inspires, and encourages, these women blossom into beautiful independent individuals.
Our Product: We re-purpose fallen graffiti revealing the beauty underneath each layer. Forged through powerful determination, our jewelry is a testament to the women who created it. Each piece is one of no other kind, creating a unique and empowering value to our customers.
Our Team:
What we will do with funding: We want to become a nationally recognized brand that continues to move the needle on women empowerment and truly do good as a company. With the money we raise we would like to expand our reach and devote much of the money to our digital advertising to help spread the word about who we are and what we do. The more people purchase from Rebel Nell, the more women we can employ. Our work is more important now than ever because we are built to promote social justice and race and gender equality. We have been doing this in Detroit for over 6 years but it is time to help women in other cities as well as our hometown, Detroit.
- Thank you for your support. We promise to make you proud!
The Campaign FAQs
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Just Because I Care
Just Because I Care