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Positivity Pass it on

"Your are not your mental health"

pledged of$10,000 goal
683Days Left
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Campaign Ends on December 31, 2026

Project Description

Our mission is to help the mental health community strive. We are all one under the same path because we also walk the same journey. As a certified peer recovery specialist which just simply means someone who's been through a mental health struggle themselves I can say it has not been easy. This is why I stand here today fighting the same battles as those who have screamed "help me" and have fought. Whether,  their cry has been from anger or in fear, hunger, or in any kind of cry. I put myself in your struggle. Our mission is to help those facing a mental health diagnosis come out on the other side of the tunnel because they are all worthy of the brightness. Positivity Pass it On not only can help those facing a mental health diagnosis deal with overcoming things like financial hurdles joblessness, hunger, homelessness, and mental health struggle which go hand in hand with these. We will get you back on your feet to starting a fresh new path and laying the cobblestones to a brighter future because if you are positive to someone it can go a long way and it creates a chain reaction so pass it on.



Nuestra misión es ayudar a la comunidad de salud mental a esforzarse. Todos somos uno bajo el mismo camino porque también caminamos el mismo viaje. Como especialista certificado en recuperación de compañeros, que simplemente significa alguien que ha pasado por una lucha de salud mental, puedo decir que no ha sido fácil. Es por eso que estoy aquí hoy luchando las mismas batallas que aquellos que han gritado "ayúdame" y han luchado. Ya sea que su llanto haya sido de ira o de miedo, de hambre o de cualquier tipo de llanto. Me metí en tu lucha. Nuestra misión es ayudar a aquellos que enfrentan un diagnóstico de salud mental a salir al otro lado del túnel porque todos son dignos del brillo. La transmisión de positividad no solo puede ayudar a aquellos que enfrentan un diagnóstico de salud mental a superar cosas como los obstáculos financieros, el desempleo, el hambre, la falta de vivienda y la lucha por la salud mental que van de la mano con estos. Le ayudaremos a ponerse de pie para comenzar un nuevo camino fresco y colocar los adoquines hacia un futuro más brillante porque si es positivo para alguien, puede recorrer un largo camino y crea una reacción en cadena, así que pásela.



The Campaign FAQs

Monetary Contribution
Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

1 Supporter
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25.00 USD

Find out what's anchoring you down and keeping you, from your maximum potential. Get to know the obstacles that stand in your way from accomplishing your goals. Learn to fine tune your life and design a road map that leads you to a bright future.

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About the Entrepreneur

Jackson, TN
Created 1 Campaign
Social Good


Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

1 Supporter
Select this reward
25.00 USD

Find out what's anchoring you down and keeping you, from your maximum potential. Get to know the obstacles that stand in your way from accomplishing your goals. Learn to fine tune your life and design a road map that leads you to a bright future.

0 Supporters
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