The Next Big Holiday Is Coming UP.
Helping women with low self esteem know their worth. will you y'all help me with buying inventory for back to school for kays and grace ?!

pledged of$10,000
0Days Left
Project Description
- Our mission is to change the outlook of women with low self esteem by building their confidence through fashion
- We are dissolving the mind battle of anxiety, depression, and low self esteem I. Plus size and junior women.
- Our market is geared toward the junior plus size community
- We sell boutique clothing not only to make others feel better but also to allow others to express themselves s without wondering if the clothes are too tight or to big.
We are seeking funding to expand our location and broaden our horizon on new clothing in the industry.
- Our team consist of 4 people my husband and I Kawanda , Cameron, our manager Adelaide and our model Tanesha
- We appreciate you all for your donations and hope that you all know you all have made the right decision in choosing us.
The Campaign FAQs
Featured reward
500.00 USD
We believe!!!
Bankers will receive a t-shirt and tumbler.
0 Supporters
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Monetary Contribution
Just Because I Care
0 Supporters
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100.00 USD
You got it!!!
All bankers that participate will receive a free t-shirt.
0 Supporters
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Featured reward
500.00 USD
We believe!!!
Bankers will receive a t-shirt and tumbler.
0 Supporters
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Monetary Contribution
Just Because I Care
0 Supporters
Select this reward
100.00 USD
You got it!!!
All bankers that participate will receive a free t-shirt.
0 Supporters
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