Mitigating Learning Loss for Marginalized Students
The Nia Foundation - Offers tutoring and social emotional activities to strengthen the most marginalized of our Los Angeles youth!

Project Description

The Nia Foundation is doing our best to assist in ameliorating the impact of this Pandemic, by providing students opportunities to make up for learning loss – free of charge to parents.
In-person socially-distanced, intensive, instructional support. It is particularly essential for at-risk students from low-income families or students performing below grade level. Therefore, the Nia Foundation Inc. has developed a proven intervention program complete with pre and post assessments, Universal Design for Learning strategies, incorporating community building circles. We plan to empower our students to excel by providing a free summer program to our most impacted population. Our targeted population has suffered learning loss and some degree of trauma as a result of school closures. Please help The Nia (Purpose) Foundation in our quest to improve academic skill functioning and social-emotional functioning by providing inner-city students of Los Angeles, CA free tutoring and social emotional learning activities this summer of 2021! Utilizing Universal Design for Learning Strategies and Community Building Circles we can improve our students academic and social skills thereby preparing them for academic success and resilience building to achieve at their optimal levels with the beginning of the 21-22 academic school year!
The Campaign FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What age group of students are provided services? Students age 5-22
- Does this campaign only apply to students with disabilities? Yes
- Must the student have an IEP to participate? no a student may have a 504 plan or an IEP
- How many weeks is the program? the sessions are 3 weeks in length
- Are PPE safety requirements being applied? Yes, students will be in small groups of 3-6, masks will be worn at all times, temperature and sanitization will take place. Students will social distance at all times.
- May parents pay for this service? No There is not a charge to parents for this campaign

Just Because I Care
The first 25 donors will receive a backpack of school supplies with every $25.00 Donation. Please share the tools with a family or student in need. :)
Just Because I Care
The first 25 donors will receive a backpack of school supplies with every $25.00 Donation. Please share the tools with a family or student in need. :)