MinnaMinx Lashes Startup
Startup assistance for an affordable, black owned faux mink lash company.

Project Description
MinnaMinx Lashes mission is to provide affordable and quality faux mink lashes to women and men of all ages, background and ethnicity. The beauty industry is growing at an unprecedented pace and I believe there is no better time than to take advantage of this opportunity.
I am seeking funding to assist with the startup costs to launch MinnaMinx Lashes. Funding will be used for logo design, product purchasing and packaging, website development/setup and to obtain business license.
Right now this is a one woman business operation, however, I do have the support of family and friends. I would like to thank everyone for their support through this new venture. Please know you are great appreciated!
The Campaign FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions:

Just Because I Care
E-gift cetificate for a new chronological resume with MLA Resume Solutions
Just Because I Care
E-gift cetificate for a new chronological resume with MLA Resume Solutions