La Parfait Cosmetics | IFundWomen Skip to main content

La Parfait Cosmetics

Let you beauty shine from the inside out

pledged of$1,000,000 goal
0Days Left

Project Description

My name is Sivan Bitton, I’m the co-founder of La parfait cosmetics. My sister  Yael Gambcah and I opened our company 10 years ago this year, out of a mission and a vision to help people look and feel good with themselves . We worked in the beauty industry for about 20 years and we saw so many formulas that are lacking and decided to create a formulas with the best ingredients in the market that actually gives results. Seeing the new generation rushing to do invasive treatments and thinking that they are not enough and trying to change their all appearance with injections and filters and fillers and this is not what we want our kids to grow up feeling like they are not enough. We are trying to promote self love and we are the only company in the market that are giving free consultations via video call or in person, that follow up with our clients out of love and concern and we make sure they know we care and that they are matters to us no matter how much they buy or even if the don’t buy . We are here for anyone who just needs a smile or an advice. My sister and I both NLP coaches and we are here to pass the tools to anyone who wants to have a real change or improving any field they want to improve.
we partner up with a nonprofit organization The Glory house of Miami, an amazing organization that help restore and save woman that’s been forced into human trafficking, a cause that touches our souls especially after hearing that Miami ranks #3 in this horrible industry. We are asking you to be aware, to help in any way- if you see something report it. 
I’m going off topic, the reason I’m here to asked you to shop local, to try our products to book a free consultation, to get the best products in the market, to spread love and contribute to the community. I’m asking you to help us help who ever needs us. 
to go and follow us on social media and to check our website:
IG- laparfaitcosmetics
TikTok-la parfait cosmetics


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Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

0 Supporters
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About the Entrepreneur

Hollywood, FL
Created 2 Campaigns
Health + Science


Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

0 Supporters
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