Krazy Jpooh's Kreations
I want to get my recipes out to the world, please help me make that a reality!
Project Description
- I desire to create my own recipe book and sell my creations with the world
- I am bringing love back into the foods and drinks we consume
- The opportunity for success is great because people love to eat good food and drink good drinks
- I am seeking funding because I simply don't have it and I will utilize the funds to buy all necessary items to begin properly building my recipe book along with making whatever comes to my heart to make.
I greatly appreciate you taking the time to consider me for this opportunity to get my business "off the ground"
The Campaign FAQs
Why do you want to bake/cook?
I enjoy it and it has always been a passion of mine
Monetary Contribution
Just Because I Care
0 Supporters
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Monetary Contribution
Just Because I Care
0 Supporters
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