Invisible Footprints
Providing financial and emotional support to families requiring dignified funeral and burial services for their stillborn babies.

Project Description
The mission of this nonprofit is to provide burial and funeral services for stillborn infants, easing the financial and emotional strain on families and empowering them to initiate the healing process.
Life's challenges affect us all. No bereaved mother or family should face the financial hardship of burying a loved one. Our support eases their emotional burden, facilitating the grieving process.
We intend to forge collaborative relationships with all four Memphis birthing sites, labor and delivery nurses, and our health department to maximize our organization's potential assistance.
Invisible Footprints Inc. seeks to ease the economic hardship on grieving mothers and families by shouldering the costs of respectful funeral and burial arrangements, facilitating their healing process and providing a lasting memorial.
Nonprofits typically achieve success due to donations that facilitate access to necessary equipment and resources. Our organization is presently seeking funding to provide specialized caskets, clothing, and burial plots for stillborn babies.
We gratefully acknowledge in advance the generosity of each donor to Invisible Footprints Inc. for any charitable support they may provide.
The Campaign FAQs
What is the mission behind Invisble Footprints Inc?
- The mission of this nonprofit is to provide burial and funeral services for stillborn infants, easing the financial and emotional strain on families and empowering them to initiate the healing process.
How was this non-profit organization started?
On July 7, 2021, I gave birth to a stillborn baby at 38 weeks, an event that left me grappling with intense emotional pain. Initially uncertain of God's plan, I have since discovered that my experiences were instrumental in enabling me to assist others navigating comparable sorrow. Moving forward, I am committed to utilizing my experiences to provide financial and emotional support to families requiring dignified funeral and burial services for their stillborn babies, facilitated through strategic partnerships with Memphis-based funeral homes.
What problems are addressed through this non-profit?
Life's challenges affect us all. No bereaved mother or family should face the financial hardship of burying a loved one. Our support eases their emotional burden, facilitating the grieving process.
Just Because I Care
Just Because I Care