Homes Deserved
“Be the Change you want to see in the World!”

Project Description
We at CRAM Estates believe in providing the BEST for any and every one in real estate. We are focused on creating our version on what the future of real estate will look like. We invest in old and make anew. We take simple things and create extraordinary masterpieces for future owners and renters to enjoy. Homes Deserved is exactly what it sounds. Homes truly deserved by families and individuals who has dealt with their share of difficulties.
Being a Credit Specialist, I have come across people of all walks of life. One thing that they have all shared despite the difference in finances, was credit. Credit is one of the most important asset in most people’s lives and yet most still fall short. Without credit, minimal can be obtained. And when burdened with not only bad credit but low income as well, It makes things that much more difficult. While the first thought may be that one should always care for their credit; everyone has their own circumstances that may have led to their unfavorable credit and that should not define them as a whole. Having gone through being a single mom and living in lower income (public) housing. I understand how the needs of Section 8 Voucher holders are usually looked down on or overlooked because of their finances or lack thereof. Where I have seen some take advantage of the help that was given to them, most truly I appreciate it. I genuinely believe that even those with lower incomes (Section 8) should get a chance to appreciate and enjoy the luxuries of life. Everyone has their own story with their own circumstances but none of it makes them any less human than the next.
Our goal is to assist low income families with obtaining rentals and educating them on the importance of a positive credit profile. We will provide guides, 1-1 counseling and courses leading to future homeownership. We will do this by purchasing affordable land and creating a container home development. Not only has this never been done in NJ, but it is a far more affordable alternative than building the conventional single family homes.
The plan is to purchase the land, then the containers in wholesale (company located in NJ/NY so minimal transport costs), ending with the customization of each home. In the end, each tenant will have a small single family home with updated appliances giving them the chance at luxury living which in turn will open their eyes and minds to what they too can achieve with homeownership. Most people get on Section 8 because of a not so great situation, (whether it be finances, health, or a host of other things). Why should they be reminded of it everyday just by waking up in a place that is supposed to be home based on someone’s assessment of what their home should look like. Their struggles does not define their character or their value and we want to show Section 8 voucher holders that they are just as important as anyone else.

“The days of homes with limited or outdated amenities for the Section 8 community in NJ, are over.”
I’ve always wanted to help people, (hence why I spent 12 years in healthcare), I wanted to make a difference that would last though, possibly even be passed down. I wanted to help with something that was familiar to me. So I can better relate with our candidates.
Our greatest hope is to bring a new light, a new way of living and new normals to our Section 8 communities.
Backers will help give single mothers, families, and elders a chance at experiencing the life of luxury living all within their means, and enjoying an alternative version of home. To show our appreciation each backer will receive a certificate of appreciation for pouring into us to be able to create lasting memories for families now and the many to come.
For donations of $2000 or more, you will get the option of visiting our construction grounds for a tour of the project.
We are thankful to each and every backer. Whether it be $1 or $1000, each dollar makes us one step closer to our goal.
We hope to be able to toast with you all at the finish line!!
And as always, Thank YOU for caring.
The Campaign FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the benefit of donating?
Backers will help give single mothers, families, and elders a chance at experiencing the life of luxury living all within their means, and enjoying an alternative version of home. To show our appreciation each backer will receive a certificate of appreciation for pouring into us to be able to create lasting memories for families now and the many to come.
For donations of $2000 or more, you will get the option of visiting our construction grounds for a tour of the project.
We are thankful to each and every backer. Whether it be $1 or $1000, each dollar makes us one step closer to our goal.
Thank you for your Donation
We appreciate you! Thank You!
Receive Ten (10) minutes of PodCast Fame during an "Everything Container Home" Q&A.
Get an invite to come enjoy a walk through of our project. You'll get to see and appreciate the building process comparing to the conventional home building strategies.
The tour is followed by beautiful lunch or dinner at the wonderful Jersey Shore. (May be in a group setting)
ALL inclusive NJ/NY weekend for (2) including:
- Transportation to and from the airport (Need rental during your whole stay? Let us know.)
- Tour of our construction grounds
- Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner during your Stay
- Grand Opening GaLa
-Tour of NJ (Feat. Downtown Asbury Park, Pier village, Seaside height, Atlantic city, ending with a dinner cruise enjoying the views of the Statue of Liberty.
Thank you for your Donation
We appreciate you! Thank You!
Receive Ten (10) minutes of PodCast Fame during an "Everything Container Home" Q&A.
Get an invite to come enjoy a walk through of our project. You'll get to see and appreciate the building process comparing to the conventional home building strategies.
The tour is followed by beautiful lunch or dinner at the wonderful Jersey Shore. (May be in a group setting)
ALL inclusive NJ/NY weekend for (2) including:
- Transportation to and from the airport (Need rental during your whole stay? Let us know.)
- Tour of our construction grounds
- Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner during your Stay
- Grand Opening GaLa
-Tour of NJ (Feat. Downtown Asbury Park, Pier village, Seaside height, Atlantic city, ending with a dinner cruise enjoying the views of the Statue of Liberty.