Her House Media Films & Books
Her House Media™ produces and distributes accessible documentary and horror films & books with a social-impact, by and about women of col

Project Description

I am beyond grateful for the support and funding from American Express 100 for 100 Program grant in partnership with IFundWomen of Color (IFWOC). Not only did it provide Her House Media™ with funding to expand my company, but it also allowed me the opportunity to create an accessible exhibition for I AM MORE THAN MY HAIR film and photography book.
Her House Media™ projects:
- Documentary film, I AM MORE THAN MY HAIR (distribution)
- Horror/Sci-fi short, ANNEXATION (distribution)
- Horror short, DOUEN (distribution)
- Documentary film, SEEING WITHOUT SIGHT (production)
- Horror short, SENSES (post-production) - crowdfunded on Seed & Spark for production, raising funds for post-production and distribution
- Horror/supernatural short, NEGRO MOUNTAIN (post-production)
- Horror/supernatural feature, IMPS (development)
It is my hope that the recent nomination as the Next Forbes 1000, would provide me with the leverage to raise additional funding to expand my reach. My goal is to expand Her House Media™ and provide support for other women of color in the documentary and horror genres.
All contributions will go towards expenses for accessibility, pre-production, production, post-production, distribution, and business expenditures. You can keep up to date with my current projects by visiting websites - www.HerHouseMedia.com and www.Alyscia.com.
Thank you in advance for your support!

I came up with the idea of Her House Media™ because I couldn’t find a production company that focuses specifically on documentary and horror films, my two favorite genres and focus on the work I create. I quickly realize these genres aren’t often paired, particularly from a Black woman’s perspective.
Through my work, I also believe in the importance of women’s issues, particularly pertaining to beauty, given that the media pounds us with images and ads that are created to make us feel inadequate about ourselves, all for the purpose of profit. Some of my projects will cover an aspect of this topic, with the goal to build self-esteem and create awareness of women’s issues.
The horror genre is full of a white male’s outlook, and if the Black actors survive the first few minutes, our portrayal and character is typically stereotypical. The same goes for documentary films. If it is about us, the perception is usually biased. All people of the African diaspora are not raised in a village or what’s considered to be the “ghetto”, and we do not all stem from a fatherless household. We have normal lives, like everyone else.
I believe there is more than enough room for improvement and figured why not create a platform as a space to have our perspective at the forefront. It wasn’t in existence, therefore, I gave birth to Her House Media to produce films by and about women of color, as a tool to amplify our voices, with the intention of creating social change in the documentary and horror industry.
Although documentary and horror may seem like opposite ends of the genre spectrum depending on the story, I believe it has significant similarities. There is some truth in horror, and you can find horror in the truth. This is what makes Her House Media™ unique.

I make the art I create accessible for all audiences to enjoy. To make all films accessible for blind and deaf viewers, funds raised also goes towards hiring an Audio Describer to create the Audio Description (AD) and closed captioning.
AD, also known as a visual description, is a form of narration used to provide information surrounding key visual elements in a media work for the benefit of blind and visually impaired consumers. To make our film accessible for deaf or low hearing viewers, funds raised also covers the cost of closed captioning. This allows the words to appear and show (on the screen) what is being said in the film and describe any sounds throughout the film.
Funding will also cover the cost of ASL interpretation for virtual and in-person events.

Her House Media™ was trademarked in September 2020 and received the certificate of trademark in July 2022.
I AM MORE THAN MY HAIR - Production and the final cut and AD version has been completed. The film continues to gain success in the film festival circuit, and I produced an accessible exhibition that debut in March 2021 at Sandy Spring Museum. I am seeking funding for distribution of the film and to cover the cost of film festival related expenses.

ANNEXATION – Production and the final cut and AD version has been completed and is circulating the film festival circuit. I am seeking funding for distribution of the film and to cover the cost of film festival related expenses.

DOUEN – Production and the final cut and AD version has been completed and is circulating the film festival circuit. I am seeking funding for distribution of the film and to cover the cost of film festival related expenses.

SEEING WITHOUT SIGHT – In production until December 2022. Funding is needed for post-production, accessibility, distribution, marketing, and film festival related expenses.

SURVEYANCE – In pre-production until June 2023. Production is scheduled to begin in October 2023. Post-production is scheduled to be completed by October 2024. Funding is needed for production, post-production, accessibility, distribution, marketing, and film festival related expenses.

SENSES – In pre-production. Production will be completed in October 2022 and post-production in December 2022. Funding is needed for accessibility, distribution, marketing, and film festival related expenses.

Funding for Her House Media™ will allow me to cover the film production and distribution expenses for my documentary and horror films. Not only am I excited to work in the field of my two favorite genres (documentary and horror), but I also look forward to changing the narrative in having black actors in leading roles.
Her House Media™ projects in production, post-production, or distribution:
- Documentary film, I AM MORE THAN MY HAIR (distribution)
- Horror/Sci-fi short, ANNEXATION (distribution)
- Horror short, DOUEN (distribution)
- Documentary film, SEEING WITHOUT SIGHT (production)
- Horror short, SENSES (after post-production)
- Horror feature, SURVEYANCE (pre-production)
Funding also allows me the opportunity to hire the PR/Marketing company, a Black woman-owned small business that I’ve worked with previously on several projects. I’ve learned that marketing is just as important as your product because no one is aware of your products if it isn’t marketed.

- Post-production - sound mixing, color correction, film editing, DCP film conversion = $45,000
- Accessibility Services - audio description, closed captioning, ASL interpretation = $25,000
- Legal and insurance fees - $4,500
- Processing fees - IFundWomen fees (5%); credit card fees (3% - 5%) = $5000
- Rewards = $2,000
- Film festival and travel expenses - $8,500
- PR and Marketing - $10,000
Any additional funding raised will go towards production costs of current and future projects.
More Questions:
For additional info, including the option to make a tax-deductible donation via my fiscal sponsor (Women in Film & Video), see the FAQs or feel free to contact me with any questions at [email protected].
The Campaign FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What are the potential risks and challenges of this project and how you plan to overcome them to complete it?
A: The biggest challenge for crowdfunding is raising the entire goal amount. I'm raising $100K, which will cover a portion of the expenses for multiple ongoing projects. I kept the rewards simple to keep the cost of my expenses down. If I'm also applying for grant funding to help with my projects.
Q: How can I make a tax-deductible donation?
A: Donations for I AM MORE THAN MY HAIR can be made via my fiscal sponsor, Women in Film & Video. A donation link for SEEING WITHOUT SIGHT is coming soon - https://www.wifv.org/events/#id=11036&cid=783&wid=401
Q: I'm not able to make a monetary contribution, how can I offer support?
A: Caring is sharing! Please share my campaign with your family and friends as well as your social media platforms.
Q: Can I connect with you via social media?
A: But of course! Here's my social media handles:
Instagram - @AlysciaCunningham and @HerHouseMedia
Twitter - @Alyscia_c and @HerHouseMedia
Facebook - @AlysciaCunninghamImages and @HerHouseMedia
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/alysciacunningham
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/alyscia and https://www.linkedin.com/company/herhousemedia
IMDB - Alyscia Cunningham
Q: I have additional questions. How can I contact you?
A: Email me at [email protected]

Thank you for caring about my campaign. I appreciate you and will add your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website. If you prefer not to be included, it's not a problem. Please contact me and let me know.

You get...
Digital access to my film (limited time access). It will be available for you to view for one week (after film's completion and end of campaign).
Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

You get...
Digital access to my film (limited time access). It will be available for you to view for one week (after my campaign ends).
Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

You get...
Digital access to my film (limited time access). It will be available for you to view for one week (after my campaign ends).
Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

You get...
Digital access to my film (limited time access). It will be available for you to view for one week (after my campaign ends).
Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

This rewards gives you...
- "I Am More Than My Hair" book
- "I Am More than My Hair" bookmark
- Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

This reward give you...
- A shout out for your contribution in the "Special Thanks To"... section of the film that's next up in post-production (or of your choosing).
- Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

- Book me as your next speaker for the half the fee I typically charge.
This opportunity is a good fit for disability organizations/groups, educational and health institutions, foundations, art museums/venues and decision makers, and women focused groups.
- You also get your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website
*This reward includes the speaker fee. Travel related expenses is not included and must be covered by the donor.*

You helped produce the film! As a thank you, I'll add you (or your company) in the credits as an Executive Producer in the film of your choosing (must be prior to completion of post-production).
Your name will also be added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website.

Thank you for caring about my campaign. I appreciate you and will add your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website. If you prefer not to be included, it's not a problem. Please contact me and let me know.

You get...
Digital access to my film (limited time access). It will be available for you to view for one week (after film's completion and end of campaign).
Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

You get...
Digital access to my film (limited time access). It will be available for you to view for one week (after my campaign ends).
Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

You get...
Digital access to my film (limited time access). It will be available for you to view for one week (after my campaign ends).
Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

You get...
Digital access to my film (limited time access). It will be available for you to view for one week (after my campaign ends).
Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

This rewards gives you...
- "I Am More Than My Hair" book
- "I Am More than My Hair" bookmark
- Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

This reward give you...
- A shout out for your contribution in the "Special Thanks To"... section of the film that's next up in post-production (or of your choosing).
- Your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website

- Book me as your next speaker for the half the fee I typically charge.
This opportunity is a good fit for disability organizations/groups, educational and health institutions, foundations, art museums/venues and decision makers, and women focused groups.
- You also get your name added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website
*This reward includes the speaker fee. Travel related expenses is not included and must be covered by the donor.*

You helped produce the film! As a thank you, I'll add you (or your company) in the credits as an Executive Producer in the film of your choosing (must be prior to completion of post-production).
Your name will also be added to the "Special Thanks To"... section of my website.