Heal From Your Core
The Lighthouse Bulb, LLC is a mental and emotional well-being practice created to teach deep seeded, sustainable healing techniques.

Project Description
The Lighthouse Bulb, LLC is a Mental & Emotional Well-being Practice created by Kamilah Joy Mitchell, a Certified Practitioner. She created her practice to bridge the gaps in the traditional treatment of mental illnesses by teaching holistic techniques in March 2022 after helping friends and family for about a year.

More than half of the adults in the US suffer from a mental illness without receiving treatment. In some states, only 12% of our youth are receiving consistent treatment for severe depression. When patients find the courage to seek treatment, they’re offered talk therapy and, in some cases, medication to start. Treatment plans and medications are adjusted along the way on a trial-and-error basis which has a damaging effect on some. I can attest to that because it was my personal experience.
In some cases, the client needs help preparing themselves to seek therapy and self-advocate before beginning their search for a compatible medical professional. Sometimes taking medication for their mental illness doesn’t align with their values. In any case, our country has a large group of underserved individuals who are in need of more mental health treatment options.
The Lighthouse Bulb, LLC is most helpful for those who suffer from PTSD, C-PTSD, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, agoraphobia, and victims of narcissistic abuse. Those who’ve had trouble releasing themselves from the “medication hamster wheel” after they’ve been seen by a psychiatrist for a while, can greatly benefit from becoming a client of The Lighthouse Bulb, LLC. The Lighthouse Bulb sessions and treatment programs are tailored to each client at first contact. Practicing holistic healing techniques puts the client in the driver’s seat of their healing journey while being fully supported by their practitioner along the way. Clients are guided and coached through meditation sessions to make sure they’ll fully benefit from their practice. Clients can also choose to participate in tapping therapy sessions and emotional intelligence sessions. These practices and techniques uncover and adjust the core thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that trigger symptoms of mental illness to provide long-term improvements.
My office is located at The Village Worcester which is an Afrocentric learning and healing center located in the heart of our community in Worcester, MA. When our clients visit, they’re welcomed into a healing and nurturing environment that promotes growth and self-acceptance. I hold free group meditation sessions twice monthly in one of the common areas to give back to my community.

Beyond my location, certifications, bookkeeping experience, or any other work I’ve done that may look good on paper; my most valuable qualification to run The Lighthouse Bulb, LLC is by far, my own victory against mental illness. I’ve walked in my client's shoes so I can wholeheartedly attest to the benefits of maintaining a holistic regime. I continue to practice the techniques that I teach daily. I’m strongly, organically, and passionately connected to my practice and my mission to help others.
On May 23, 2023, I was one of the featured speakers as Flourishing Families presented This Is My Brave, The Show, a first-of-its-kind event elevating the voices of family caregivers impacted by mental illness on a global stage at the WBUR CitySpace. The stories and the women who told them are unforgettable. This event was bursting with love! Enjoy the show!!!
This Is My Brave, Inc.
Kamilah: https://youtu.be/
Full Show: https://www.youtube.com/
Take a moment to read what others have to say about The Lighthouse Bulb, LLC.
"The Lighthouse Bulb is a bright beacon of hope in the Worcester community and beyond, and the source of light is business-owner Kamilah Joy Mitchell, who makes healing from the core possible. Her practice is truly person-centered and driven by the patient's core values. Kamilah can help you find your path to healing and health."
-Courtney Joly-Lowdermilk, M.S.Ed.
Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation at Boston University
I’m raising $10,000.00. The funds would help to get my outreach program off the ground. For those suffering from severe mental illness, gathering the energy or will to feel good about leaving their homes is challenging. It’s also uncomfortable to allow a professionally dressed medical professional into their safe space during these difficult times. Getting the outreach program up and running will provide the total healing experience to those who need it the most in the way that it’s needed; in person, in the comfort of their home, and under their rules. The funds will be spent on a reliable vehicle, transportation expenses, quality marketing, meditation equipment, soundproofing equipment, technical enhancements, and office furniture.
Funds will also be allocated to provide essentials needed to help victims function during and immediately after their escape from an abuser, while creating legislation that will appropriately protect those who are stuck in domestic violence situations. I've reached out to my state representative in an attempt to amend the current procedure regarding restraining orders. When a restraining order is granted because someone's life was threatened, the protection should last a lifetime, not one year. When the authorities are called in to assist in a restraining order violation, the officer is currently allowed to handle the situation using their discretion. This procedure has been deemed ineffective. Officers should be provided with some indication as to the level of threat to the victim conspicuously displayed on the order. When an officer is provided with an order that includes a high-risk indicator, the incident should be addressed with zero tolerance. I'll be working as closely as possible with my state and local government to make these improvements, and I won't stop there!
Please take a moment to support this cause by signing and sharing this petition: https://chng.it/MxKrSLhsYv

I’m deeply grateful for your time attention, and support! Any contribution toward helping The Lighthouse Bulb, LLC grow is a contribution towards making the world more joyful and peaceful one client at a time. Big or small, each contribution is priceless in my eyes and is greatly appreciated! For other options in supporting this cause click the link!
Thank you for your support!
The Campaign FAQs

Thank you so much for your donation! To show my appreciation I'll be sending you a thank you package including a starter journal, ear buds, & some cool pens!
Just Because I Care

Your support is greatly appreciated! I'm happy to provide you with some priceless support! You'll be receiving an Emotional Intelligence Evaluation, scorecard, & full support at your convenience on how to move forward in living your life on your terms and reaching the goals that you'd like to reach!
Thank you so much for your generous contribution! I'm excited to guide you through releasing all that no longer resonates with you and enhancing what does! I'll send an evaluation to be completed either through the mail or via email with my contact information to get started on your journey to self discovery. We'll set up your session and we're on our way!!
Thank you so much for your support! I'm looking forward to helping you shed light on the shadows of your interpersonal relationships and other interactions to get the healthiest and most fulfilling connections flowing toward and exuding from you!
I'll be contacting you to set up a remote session or an in-person session if you're local!

Thank you so much for your contribution!! I'd love to display your generosity to the world! I'll send a sincere thank you message to you across each social media platform for The Lighthouse Bulb, LLC.

I appreciate your contribution! To show that gratitude I'll be sending you thank you card!
Set aside some time for yourself and enjoy a bit of aroma therapy! Enjoy the soothing scent of my gratitude for your contribution!

As a thank you for your contribution, I'd like to welcome you to my world!! Enjoy a copy of my first published book full of poetry, short stories, blog posts and emotional healing tools!!

Thank you so much for your donation! To show my appreciation I'll be sending you a thank you package including a starter journal, ear buds, & some cool pens!
Just Because I Care

Your support is greatly appreciated! I'm happy to provide you with some priceless support! You'll be receiving an Emotional Intelligence Evaluation, scorecard, & full support at your convenience on how to move forward in living your life on your terms and reaching the goals that you'd like to reach!
Thank you so much for your generous contribution! I'm excited to guide you through releasing all that no longer resonates with you and enhancing what does! I'll send an evaluation to be completed either through the mail or via email with my contact information to get started on your journey to self discovery. We'll set up your session and we're on our way!!
Thank you so much for your support! I'm looking forward to helping you shed light on the shadows of your interpersonal relationships and other interactions to get the healthiest and most fulfilling connections flowing toward and exuding from you!
I'll be contacting you to set up a remote session or an in-person session if you're local!

Thank you so much for your contribution!! I'd love to display your generosity to the world! I'll send a sincere thank you message to you across each social media platform for The Lighthouse Bulb, LLC.

I appreciate your contribution! To show that gratitude I'll be sending you thank you card!
Set aside some time for yourself and enjoy a bit of aroma therapy! Enjoy the soothing scent of my gratitude for your contribution!

As a thank you for your contribution, I'd like to welcome you to my world!! Enjoy a copy of my first published book full of poetry, short stories, blog posts and emotional healing tools!!