geeRemit: A Relationship-Driven Remittance App
Support a real Hidden Figure! geeRemit is a customer-focused remit app that leverages patent-pending analytics to enable lifestyle choices.

Project Description

I am Dr. Sandra K. Johnson, and I am an actual "Hidden Figure". A "Hidden Figure" is someone who works in a STEM discipline, but is grossly underrepresented. Their contribution is significant and impactful; however, many do not know they exist. I am:
one of the first African-American women to earn a Ph.D. in electrical engineering
a Master Inventor with over 40 issued and pending patents
the first African-American woman Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (a professional organization)
the first African-American woman to reach a technical leadership position at IBM
the first African-American woman to be elected into the prestigious IBM Academy of Technology
part of the team that developed the prototype for Deep Blue, IBM’s world-famous chess machine
excited about having recently met Dr. Christine Darden, one of the four (4) women profiled in the book, Hidden Figures; it turns out I used the work she did in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in my Ph.D. thesis research, so we have a common historical bond

I have over 35 years of world-class technology experience, having worked for IBM for nearly 26 years before founding my own technology company. I have a passion for technology. It is something I live and breathe every day. It’s an integral part of who I am. I also have a passion for finding ways to leverage technology to enable a better life for us humans.

Most remittance service providers simply transfer funds from sender to receiver. They do not provide additional value by focusing on customer needs or work to build customer loyalty. In addition, remittance to emerging countries is expensive and inconvenient. Many recipients live in remote areas and it is difficult to reach the physical pickup location to receive the funds. It is also unsafe for recipients to carry large amounts of money. Furthermore, two-thirds or more of the citizens in these countries are unbanked, they do not have bank accounts or credit cards. There is a critical need for relationship-focused global remittances to build value by addressing customer needs and providing services for which they are willing to pay a premium.
geeRemit uses mobile money, a financial account tied to a mobile phone number, making it fast, convenient, and safe. Funds are transferred directly from a sender's bank account to the mobile money account of the recipient. Mobile money is pervasive and popular with 60% or more penetration in our initial targeted market, sub-Saharan Africa, and a 40% growth rate over 5 years through 2021.
geeRemit will provide value by serving as a trusted customer advisor. It will work with the sender to enable financial access based on lifestyle choices using a digital platform. It will consider impact spending, value for family and places for growing money. It will also consider key activities users want and craft collaborative solutions. geeRemit will enable senders to set up financial accounts to save for the recipient's education, marriage, starting a business, etc., using a portion of the transfer fees. geeRemit will connect relationship, historical and other information on what users want based on the results of analytics that provide insightful segments and trends, and customer survey data.

About Global Mobile Finance
Global Mobile Finance, Inc. is a fintech startup company that has developed and owns geeRemit, a relationship-driven remittance mobile app. Our mission is to leverage finance to empower communities and transform lives.
Organized as a Delaware Corporation in July 2018, the company is authorized to transact business in North Carolina, with principal offices located at 11010 Lake Grove Blvd, Suite 100-233, Morrisville, NC 27560. Our website is located at

I am a hidden figure, a seasoned technology professional that has made her mark in this world. I’m a Master Inventor, with over 40 issued and pending patents. I literally wrote the book on certain aspects of technology. I also have a passion for helping people, so it is natural for me to leverage technology for this purpose. I spent 3 years living in the Middle East (Dubai) and Africa (Nairobi, Kenya), traveling to over 20 countries in this region, so I know first-hand about the challenges of those living in developing countries. I was the IBM Chief Technology Officer for Central, East and West Africa. I loved it! I have contacts with the mobile money technology influencers and decision makers, so I am uniquely qualified to make this mobile app, geeRemit, happen now!

This is an opportunity to fund work done by an historical hidden figure! It enables her to go to the next level, seeding a great new FinTech to make a difference in the lives of billions throughout the world. The geeRemit minimum viable product (MVP) has already been developed. We are raising money on iFundwomen to launch a pilot for geeRemit in the market for a couple of months, then move to general market availability. I ask you for your support in this exciting endeavor and I thank you for your contribution!

The Campaign FAQs
Where can I learn more about mobile money? See mobile money blog.
Where can I learn more about geeRemit? See geeRemit blog.

Hey friend! I will shout you out on social media as a huge thank you for your generosity.

A pen.

A thank you notepad.

A thank you mini notebook.

A hidden figures inspirational coffee mug.

An autographed copy of either.
Autographed copies of both inspirational books.
Autographed copies of both inspirational books and 6 months free geeRemit service.
Hey friend! I will shout you out on social media as a huge thank you for your generosity.

A pen.

A thank you notepad.

A thank you mini notebook.

A hidden figures inspirational coffee mug.

An autographed copy of either.
Autographed copies of both inspirational books.
Autographed copies of both inspirational books and 6 months free geeRemit service.