Fund Our Food FiXR Mission
Our Food As Medicine mission: Reclaiming the health of people and our planet, one bite at a time.

Project Description
Our Why
At Food FiXR we are fierce defenders of the health of ALL people - and our planet.
With Food As Medicine, we are disrupting food systems, and health systems, that simply Are. Not. Working!
Who do you know who is struggling with a major health condition, and needs help finding an affordable and reliable solution that actually works?

How It Works
Our app is a simple solution to make Food As Medicine fun and easy:
1. Tell Us Your Condition
2. Get a Personalized Grocery List
3. Get Your Goods
4. Tap into our tribe of Support w/ coaches and community.

Your Impact
When only 1.9% of all venture capital funding went to female-owned tech companies last year, you are helping us BIG time! Did you know that women-led tech companies achieve a 35% higher return on their investment AND out-perform those started by men by 63%?
The Food FiXR method has been working successfully in our clinic for over 15 years.
We can build this. We can Scale this. We already DO this.
YOU can be part of our mission and success. We are SO so grateful for your support!

The Campaign FAQs
🤔 Frequently Asked Questions:
Diet-related diseases are our top killers on the planet.
- Every 36 seconds someone in the USA dies of a heart-related problem.
- Our country has now passed the 40% mark for people being obese.
- 609,000 people will die from cancer this year.
In 2023 the White House met to discuss “Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health,” for the first time in 50 years. They listed 5 areas to reduce diet-related diseases. Food FiXR provides solutions to FOUR of them. We are a resource for social determinants of health (SDOH) in food choice education, and the reduction of diet-related diseases.
Food FiXR Features:
FREE grocery list tailored to your specific repair needs.
Personalized recipes and meal planner based on grocery recommendations.
Live coaches enabled with next-gen AI guided programs for engagement and success.
Choose from your current favorite diet or lifestyle (e.g. Keto, Paleo, allergy restrictions, vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, etc.) to build onto your suggested Food FiXR options.
Scan ingredient lists to learn which foods are helpful or harmful and why.
Meal suggestions at over 500,000 restaurants.
Community support, and a massive library of videos and education tools to learn about healing foods and how to eat them.
Food As Medicine has never been so much fun!
We've dug through millions of brainy articles to find foods packed with the good stuff your body needs to repair. Plus, we'll dodge anything you're allergic to or just not into – whether you're a veggie-lover, paleo fan, or pescatarian.
Use our app to snag groceries from your fave stores. Get 'em delivered, swing by for a pickup, or stroll through the store with your list – your call.
We are here to help! Success comes with a tribe of support, so we offer recipes and meals that are made with your special list of foods to help you repair. We also have real-life coaches to guide you who have AI assistants helping us, and communities where you can talk to other people going through what you are.
Not yet. That's why we need your funding support! We have our method mapped out and ready to build with our development team, we need the funds to pay them to do their job.
Current pre-MVP Traction:
Beta tester waitlist: 275 individuals & 3 doctor’s offices with 1,000+ patients
Bootstrapped $30,000 including securing one equity angel investor, and a $10,000 grant from FOR-M and MKE Tech Hub
Made upwards of $100,000 using the Food FiXR method in the clinic.
Completed the gBETA Beloit fall 2022 cohort (of gener8tor)
Elite 8 pitch competitor and runner-up winner for Midwest House at SXSW Austin 2023
Appeared on the TV show Project Pitch It which aired in April 2023
Organic web reach increased 6.25x from 2021-2023
We make money in a few different ways. Just like how Instacart charges a small fee when you buy groceries through their app, we also charge a fee, like 3% to 7%, when people buy groceries using our service. And there are over 200 million adults between the ages of 20 - 65 buying needed groceries. That's a $3.2 BILLION market!
- We have two special plans that people can sign up for. One is called "Basic," and it costs $7.99 per month. It gives people recipes and helps them plan their meals. The other plan is called "Premier," and is a bit more fancy. It costs $179 per month, and it comes with real expert coaches who can help you with your health successes. And even cooler, the coaches have AI helping them with a smart computer friend (like a robot) called WellnessGPT that makes it easier for you to stay on track.
- We sell some special supplements in our app designed especially by our doctors to help you. These are like pills and powders that people can buy to make them feel better.
- We find out special information about what people buy and where they buy it, and then share this information with insurance companies and grocery stores. This information helps them understand what people like to buy and where they get it. Nothing is ever shared that is your private business, though!

Totally want to help!
From $100 to $100,000 - give whatever you choose to help the cause.

When our app is released, you'll get $150 in credit for your first grocery purchases.

Donations of $500 get a Food FiXR Foodie experience for 2 in Milwaukee, Elkhart Lake, Chicago or Los Angeles - you choose! A breakfast, lunch AND dinner destination that are Food FiXR quality: Delicious flavor, local, sustainable, often organic and all have corn free and gluten free options, plus 1 craft cocktail or glass of elegant wine with dinner.

Our Recipe subscription is yours FREE for 2 years for your entire family!
Personally selected recipes to repair your specific body's needs. We've dug through millions of brainy articles to find foods packed with the good stuff your body needs to repair. Plus, we'll dodge anything you're allergic to or just not into – whether you're a veggie-lover, paleo fan, or pescatarian.

Our premium coaching subscription is yours FREE for 2 years for your entire family!
We're all about support. Get recipes and meals tailored to your special food list, with guidance from our real-life and AI coaches to help you through.

Rebuild your body's cells, systems, and spirit with 3 MONTHS of masterful and compassionate care from Dr. Grace
Experience a personal journey working directly with Dr. Grace and her Food FiXR method for 3 months. She will listen to you, and help you find food as medicine solutions for the health conditions you may be struggling with. One-on-one sessions with her will include video meetings, food suggestions, recipes, supplement suggestions, stem cell patches for repair, and lifestyle upgrades like meditations and sound frequency healing suggestions.

Totally want to help!
From $100 to $100,000 - give whatever you choose to help the cause.

When our app is released, you'll get $150 in credit for your first grocery purchases.

Donations of $500 get a Food FiXR Foodie experience for 2 in Milwaukee, Elkhart Lake, Chicago or Los Angeles - you choose! A breakfast, lunch AND dinner destination that are Food FiXR quality: Delicious flavor, local, sustainable, often organic and all have corn free and gluten free options, plus 1 craft cocktail or glass of elegant wine with dinner.

Our Recipe subscription is yours FREE for 2 years for your entire family!
Personally selected recipes to repair your specific body's needs. We've dug through millions of brainy articles to find foods packed with the good stuff your body needs to repair. Plus, we'll dodge anything you're allergic to or just not into – whether you're a veggie-lover, paleo fan, or pescatarian.

Our premium coaching subscription is yours FREE for 2 years for your entire family!
We're all about support. Get recipes and meals tailored to your special food list, with guidance from our real-life and AI coaches to help you through.

Rebuild your body's cells, systems, and spirit with 3 MONTHS of masterful and compassionate care from Dr. Grace
Experience a personal journey working directly with Dr. Grace and her Food FiXR method for 3 months. She will listen to you, and help you find food as medicine solutions for the health conditions you may be struggling with. One-on-one sessions with her will include video meetings, food suggestions, recipes, supplement suggestions, stem cell patches for repair, and lifestyle upgrades like meditations and sound frequency healing suggestions.