Empowering Entrepreneurs Freedom
Your Freedom Track empowers entrepreneurs to go after their dreams. I connect entrepreneurs with education to grow their own businesses.

Project Description
I am a Business Growth Consultant and I specialize in Connecting other Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners with the Educational Resources they Need to Grow and Expand their Businesses in Order to Reach their Ultimate Goals of Success. Whether a person is just starting to consider Entrepreneurship and Needs Help Defining or Creating their Niche or in Getting Help to Set Up their own Online Business, to those who are Experiencing Growth and Success and Need Help with Asset Protection for the Wealth they are Creating, or when they're Looking at the End Game and Need to know How they can Best Organize and Set their Business up for a Maximum Payout when Selling. I can connect Business owners along Every Step of the Way on their Entrepreneurial Journey with Digital Products, Live Trainings and Masterminds to Set Them Up for Ultimate Success whatever their current position.
I will spend all funding graciously provided on further campaigns to bring awareness of the resources that are available to all those with the Entrepreneurial spirit. As well as investing in Mentorship programs and training myself in order to make the maximum impact in my field of service. I am always endeavoring to reach out to new communities and groups, one of special importance me being those who have served in our Armed Forces and are know wanting to Live the Freedom they fought to protect.
The Campaign FAQs
As far as potential challenges go, I am confident that I will succeed in making a huge difference in many lives across the US and the Globe, I am however, limited in my speed of implementation due to the lack of capital I currently possess. I am simply asking for help and a 'hand up' in really getting my business off the ground and fully launched in order to be in a position to make the maximum impact possible for all those who I work with. I know I can help thousands of Entrepreneurs to short cut their own paths to success and Freedom if I can get the word out quicker and with the help and Mentorship from those who have a proven track record for doing what I am endeavoring to accomplish.

Free Copy of my Book Rock Star Entrepreneur with all gifts!

Free Copy of my Book Rock Star Entrepreneur with all gifts!