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DM Mayhem

Please help fund my femme-driven comedy show where we make fun of the messages that men have sent us!

pledged of$500 goal
0Days Left

Project Description

DM Mayhem is a fresh new comedy show about the horrors of dating. Come watch a panel of local Boston female comedians share and joke about the creepy and awkward messages men have sent them. Hosted by Rachel Dunbar, this show is jam-packed with jokes, hijinks, and fun, immersive experience. In order to make this happen, we need money to pay the cost to rent the venue,  pay the panelists, and promote the show. 


The Campaign FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions:


What will all the contributions go to?


The donations will go to renting the venue, paying the panelists promotion and  marketing.  





DJ DuckTales
Frynd of the show
Frand of the Show
Henry Dunbar
Frynd of the show
Lynn Budding
Frynd of the show
Jess W
Frynd of the show
Roya Hamadani
Frynd of the show
Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

0 Supporters
Select this reward
1.00 USD
Friend of the Show

You have my respect and also thank you. 

0 Supporters
Select this reward
10.00 USD
Frand of the Show

A shout-out during the show, merch from our corporate sponsor, and a sticker.

1 Supporter
Select this reward
25.00 USD
Frynd of the show

A shoutout during  the show, merch from our corporate sponsor, personalized logo,  50% off ticket.

5 Supporters
Select this reward

About the Entrepreneur


Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

0 Supporters
Select this reward
1.00 USD
Friend of the Show

You have my respect and also thank you. 

0 Supporters
Select this reward
10.00 USD
Frand of the Show

A shout-out during the show, merch from our corporate sponsor, and a sticker.

1 Supporter
Select this reward
25.00 USD
Frynd of the show

A shoutout during  the show, merch from our corporate sponsor, personalized logo,  50% off ticket.

5 Supporters
Select this reward