CoToGo Inc.
CoToGo Inc. is a travel app that makes destination travel streamlined, safe, secure, and truly simple.
Do you CoToGo?

Project Description
“The vacation we often need is freedom from our own mind.” – Jack Adam Weber
My father came from meager beginnings, and a troubled adolescence. My mother lost both of her parents when she was 17. They met in night school 10 years later and dedicated themselves to working hard and raising their family in love. My parents taught me the importance of hard work and dedication. My mother made the decision to focus on staying close to home so that my father could focus on going far in his career. Theur hard work paid off. My mother focused on pouring into our local district, while my father focused on rising up the ranks within NYC public agencies. They both instiled in me hard work, and giving back. My father died in a car accident on August 1st, 2018, going from a teenager who sold drugs to survive, to Vice President of a respected college. My father's only goal was to retire after 40 years of excelling in his career. He never got the chance. He died a week before his retirement was to start. In grieving without actually taking time to grieve, I started chasing weekends, vacations, and summers, and truly trippin. I took trip after trip, within any spare time I could find, to chase peace. However I didnt find it. It wasn't until I did the lockdown of 2020 that I looked within to truly grieve properly and do the work on me. And I came to realize that, the goal for me was to build a life I didn't want a vacation from. In May of 2021, when airfare was still in the Covid lows, I took a trip to Montego Bay Jamaica. All I can say is that it was synchronicity and God's ultimate timing. The trip was the best one I've ever had, and the key to an exceptional trip was so simple. That trip is where CoToGo was born.
I came back and started working on the app. The incorporation, the business plan, the narrowing down the concept and code needed to build it. I made steps to leaving my 17 year teaching career, and finally got to drive my daughter to school. I was building the life that I didn't need an escape from, when life as I knew it came crashing down. My mother, died on March 6, 2022, in her sleep. My mother took volunteerism to the heart. At the age of 75, she still served the school district where her children graduated from and where her granddaughter currently attended. She had volunteered for the district for 37 years. She passed away in the midst of the COVID drawn lines in the mud and politics entering the school building. There was a lot of controversy and a staunch political climate. The day after my mother passed, one of the people screaming and yelling for her and the other board members to take their masks off at board meetings, amongst police there to keep the calm, is the person that picked up the petition to run for her seat. This same person spoke out against equity, and spoke of burning books and parental choice, in our local public district. This person was running for my mother's seat and could undo 35 years of her faithfully fighting for all children and the right to receiving the best education our district could offer. I decided to pour my pain into purpose and run for the board seat she held. I decided that if I didnt step up then, all could be lost. After a hard race and some bruises along the way, I won the board seat by a large number, and stepped into my role as the first legacy and youngest African American woman, and first female graduate, elected to the board.
My community partner, Will and I, created a foundation in my mother's name, that is rooted in equity and nurturing the whole child. In stepping into the next chapter in my life, I didnt want to give up on something that is truly dear to my heart, and an app that I know will revolutionize travel and the way we trip out, forever more. In pulling my worlds together and never forgetting my roots as a NYC teacher, current school board member, and foundation director, CoToGo wouldn't make sense to me, if the corporation also didnt give back. CoToGo will give at least 5% of its revenue to create, fund, and supervise educational, artistic, athletic, and social emotional programs and initiatives for the children, in each and every market that we serve.
CoToGo believes in high wages and will pay all ground members 70/30 service fee split with 100% gratuity going to ground members directly, bonuses, and incentives. CoToGo will also provide scholarship opportunities to CoToGo employees (30+ hours a week) for both them and their immediate family (including their spouse).
This funding round will assist me in building capacity. I will lease a commercial space that will be CoToGo headquarters, think tank & tech lab. We will expand our workforce, including tech, marketing, and legal. Funds will begin our beta testing both domestically and internationally that are to be chosen after close data analysis. This first investment round will be a 12-16 month window, with 6 week data analysis recurring. 2nd round of funding taking place after beta testing analysis, with expansion being first priority. Based on trajectory, CoToGo will have its Initial Public Offering, by 2028, while expanding to include hotel discounts, creating a larger revenue stream and larger market share.
In not giving too much away, there is some information available below, including the problem CoToGO solves, passive revenue options, and app design concepts. Proof of Concept results are 99-100% agreement with the concept. 50/50, 49/50, 50/50. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. It's been quite a journey if nothing else, I'm glad I can now say, "I gave it my all", and not, "what if"? My daughter is watching me. I believe in CoToGo, I believe in timing, and I believe you're reading this for a reason. I hope you take a chance and believe in me too.

What is the mission of your company or project?

Target Market Slide
The Campaign FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What Is CoToGo?
CoToGo is a travel app startup. It is innovative, yet simple, and it has the capability to change how we travel. I wish I could say more than that, but I don't want to risk the chance of copyright infringement so early in development.
- Who Created CoToGo?
A mom who worked...a lot. CoToGo was created by a real person, for real people. It's created so that you can enjoy the present and get the most out of your travel experience.
- When will the app be launched?
That very much depends on support and namely, funding. Hoping that goes better then planned, CoToGo Inc, should be live in test markets in 12 months, and expanding every quarter thereafter.
- Why should I invest in your company?
Thats a difficult question to answer. There are so many amazing campaigns on this site, and I am rooting for each and every one of them. CoToGo isn't just another tech startup. CoToGo's mission beyond making the lives of tourists easier, is making the lives of children better. CoToGo will give a portion of revenue and a portion of profits to academic, artistic, athletic, and social emotional programs and initiatives, so that all children enter adulthood as global citizens soaring to their maximum potential. I am a former special educator, with 20 years experience in the South Brox, current school board member and executive director of a foundation ensuring equity in education. By investing in CoToGo, you are investing in children around the world.

Just Because I Care

A personalized thank you and shout out

Shout Out Card VIP Newsletter and name archived on website as one of the founders
Social Media Shoutout
Just Because I Care

A personalized thank you and shout out

Shout Out Card VIP Newsletter and name archived on website as one of the founders
Social Media Shoutout