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Capri's Apothecary

This campaign is to raise money for LLC'ing, backpaying contributors & myself, as well as restock inventory for my Apothecary.

pledged of$5,000 goal
0Days Left

Project Description

  • The mission of this is to create space & community for the Black Queer people and women of Austin.
  • Again, creating different unique, creative, community events and spaces to serve a community who's been forgotten.
  • It's hard to say what the market size is to be totally honest, but so far, I've been received well through the community.
  • My company & my product serves to the history of Black Magick folk, but also acknowledges healing & wellness in a holistic way + giving back with events that's are free and provide something so that people of all class systems may be apart.
  • I'm seeking funding because I'm 23 years old navigating my life and this business of the budget of someone in service industry. With this money, I'll be LLC'ing, restocking the inventory, hiring someone to help rebrand & creating a savings account for the apothecary.
  • Currently, I am the only person on my team.
  • To any and everyone supporting me; whether that mean spreading the word or donating... THANK YOU. These last few months have been so difficult, but I know that times will get hard and that I can't stop, so I won't. I'm doing this because it feels good and like destiny. So thank you for helping me to fulfill that. 


The Campaign FAQs

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IFundWomen Grants
Monetary Contribution
Monetary Contribution
Briyanna Wilson
Monetary Contribution
Monetary Contribution
abundance 💛
Monetary Contribution
The Easley’s
Monetary Contribution
Briyanna Wilson
Monetary Contribution
Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

7 Supporters
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About the Entrepreneur

Austin, TX
Created 1 Campaign
Business Services
Social Good


Monetary Contribution

Just Because I Care

7 Supporters
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