California Life
Traveling in California. . .searching for unique places.

Project Description
Terri Dawn Arnold created and produces a travel-lifestyle television series titled California Life. Our host for the Pilot episode in Roseville is Aryn Rozelle. Our new host is Sheila Ellis. We just completed production on Episode 2 in Nevada City and Grass Valley, and are scheduled to shoot more episodes.
Our host shows viewers real estate, shopping, unique dining options, and more from various towns in California. Overall, we focus on small to mid-size towns because they have more to offer than just charm, and are the heart of the state. Over time we may visit the cities (San Diego, San Francisco, and Los Angeles).
Our Pilot (Episode 1) was accepted to the Action on Film International Film Festival and Hollywood Dreamz International Film Festival. California Life screened at both festivals and received a Best Web Series/Pilot nomination from Action on Film International Film Festival.
The official Web site for California Life is
Our YouTube Channel is
Funding is needed for production costs, broadcasting, a meal on production days (We stop for lunch, a necessity), fuel for transportation, parking, and locations three hours away from Roseville will require at least a one night stay in a hotel (farther locations will require two or three nights). Also, we are seeking financing so that the crew--host (Sheila Ellis), camera/sound operator (Kathryn M. Kingsley), production assistant (Amoreena Ford), composer-music (Mars Homeworld), and writer/producer/director/editor (Terri Dawn Arnold)--can receive compensation for their efforts.
Thank you for your consideration. We are aiming to broadcast on local TV stations throughout the United States (and eventually outside the U.S.).
The Campaign FAQs

Just Because I Care

If you give at least $10.00 to support California Life, Terri Dawn Arnold will send you an autographed copy of her coming-of-age book Growing Pains: 10 Short Stories about Growing Up, valued at $15.99.
We will publicly thank you for supporting our television series.
This is for people who want to help, but do not want public recognition.
Just Because I Care

If you give at least $10.00 to support California Life, Terri Dawn Arnold will send you an autographed copy of her coming-of-age book Growing Pains: 10 Short Stories about Growing Up, valued at $15.99.
We will publicly thank you for supporting our television series.
This is for people who want to help, but do not want public recognition.