Become An Advocator
Help raise funds to support us in ending Human Trafficking, sex trafficking, Cyberstalking, digital rape, Virtual rape and slave houses

Project Description
- What is the mission of your company or project?
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide Virtual Education, Safety and Healthy awareness and Human Services to economically disadvantaged individuals all across the world.
Our Vision
To implement our Virtual Education Program global. To allow our virtual education program to be a milestone toward creating new jobs, improve individuals self-esteem through educating them and improve the economy. While at the same time providing safety and health awareness in the country as all reside in .
To be a Voice all around the world to help stop Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable TR is a voice for victims of Virtual R.A.P.E, Digital R.A.P.E., human hunting, human trafficking, forced-marriage abuse, Slave Houses of prostitute rings, molestation of children, women and young women are being raped and beaten Then sold off to their next predator, drug dealing, gang intimidation and violence and Human trafficking of all sorts, gang stalking, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, rape, cyber bullying, verbal abuse, verbal assault, DEW attacks, targeted individuals (whether it is in cyberspace, virtual person to person harassment, workplace harassment, or a person following or threatening you), identity theft, hacking, theft of personal or business bank accounts, and V2K assault.
Human hunting refers to humans being hunted and killed for another person’s revenge, pleasure, entertainment, sport, or sustenance. These individuals mimic people’s lives and steal and/or take over their identities. These cults practice voodoo and satanic worship. These practices can be found in the workplace, homeless shelters, community and social gathering spaces, and other places around the world that are unaware that such cults exist.
Describe the problem you are solving
- Our organization is an advocate and a Voice to help end illiteracy, Hunan trafficking, child exploitation, sex trafficking, slave houses and other crime activities all across the world
- .
- What is the market size/opportunity?
The market size is global because we can reach individuals virtually and physically in spreading the message. It is a vast opportunity for volunteers to distribute literature through email, verbally and physically. Many fund raising events can be held to help support this cause and the media outlet can be used to expose and spread the message abt such important issues
- What is your company/product about and how does it solve the problem?
Our mission is to provide Virtual Education and Human Services to economically disadvantaged individuals all across the world.
The Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable TR Virtual Education Program is a self taught virtual education program which educated individuals globally from preschoolers, children, youths and adults in all stages of their life.
The Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable TR Virtual educational program is implemented to improve the economy and help reduce the unemployment rate. To help bridge the gap between unemployment and adequate education. The Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable TR virtual education program is a tool to enhance an individual job career, create jobs and help individuals to further their education.
The Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable TR Virtual Education Program is helping breaking the barrier between unemployment and adequate education.
The Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable TR Virtual Education Program is a global virtual education program. The opportunity to obtain career skills, seek employment and further your education
The Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable TR Virtual Education Program is an online self taught education program and it's aims to create new jobs, enhance job careers and give the individual the self-esteem to seek further education.
are you seeking funding and how will you spend the funding?We are seeking funding and it will be used for our virtual education program and our Advocate program
- Who is on your team?
Varies Facebook group
The Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable TR would like to thank everyone globally for supporting our efforts and being a Voice for those who can't be a Voice for themselves.
The Campaign FAQs
How can I volunteer to Become An Advocator?
Email Cathy Prather Russell fir volunteer application to apply at [email protected]
Where can I get some Advocate Flyers?.
Email Cathy Prather Russell at [email protected]
Where can I get some hand sanitizers flyers?
Email Cathy Prather Russell at [email protected]
What's the link to your website?
My Parents Taught Me Good Manners E-booj
Your company Logo placed on our website.
My Parents Taught Me Good Manners E-book.
A social media Shout-out on all of our social media links.

A Thank You E-card for your donation.
My Parents Taught Me Good Manners E-booj
Your company Logo placed on our website.
My Parents Taught Me Good Manners E-book.
A social media Shout-out on all of our social media links.

A Thank You E-card for your donation.