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ILLA won a Pitch Competition—and cash towards our goal!

*Exciting news!

This past Wednesday, ILLA was selected as the Audience Choice Winner at Silicon Couloir's Pitch Day event and today, we're a LOT closer to our goal! 

I knew that $50K was a lofty goal when I created this campaign. And the experts would have told us to set it for something more achievable. Would $15k have helped us get to iOS? It certainly would have brought us closer. But the thing about tech is... it always takes longer and more money than you anticipate—a lesson I have had to learn over and over again. And I didn't want to short ourselves for a vanity metric of hitting our campaign goal. 

I chose iFundWomen as our platform specifically because we get to keep every dollar we raise, and it was the right choice because it IS helping us get closer to putting ILLA into the AppStore. If you're using the app, you've already seen your dollars at work with the latest round of updates. You've already helped so much by contributing, and we're doing everything we can to get us the rest of the way there. 

In addition to multiple pitch competitions, we're hosting an event this Sunday in Boulder (tap here for details) to bring more awareness to this campaign. Please join us if you're able to and come meet the team! We'll have games, prize drawings, a live auction, and our very own Sarah Christine will be performing her new EP, Hotel Earth, LIVE with her full band. It's free entry and we'd love to have you there. Please share it with your Boulder friends as well! 

In closing, I want to emphasize that we are much closer to our goal and we have one week left to give this fundraising effort our all. We can't change the $ amount on this campaign page, but we're confident that we'll be able to get ILLA into the AppStore with what we've raised so far. 

If you're able to share this update with your network, we'd appreciate any help you can offer to close the gap in this final week. Help us get to $15,000 and let's get this iOS show on the road!

With so much gratitude, 
Tana & Team ILLA