Yoga and Health Studio in the middle of Italy
Join our mission to start up our studio, provide Yoga classes, healing sessions, services to elderlies and English classes

Project Description
Hi there!! I'm Helena Mercuri, health coach and yoga teacher, and along with my partner Andrea Grosso, therapist, artist and philosopher, we are the owners of KRIS PROJECT - not only a place but a movement we want to create to change our Society starting from the real people facing real challenges.
Our mission is to be at Service. And with Service we mean the higher form of Selfless help we can give to everyone according to their own needs. We do that in various forms, going from Yoga classes, to Sound Healing baths, to group sessions and Teather classes where everyone can be themselves and let go of their life burden.
We want to create a sacred space where people can be something else than their ordinary self, in order to see that there's something more waiting from them, and once they see it, once they find a different state of consciousness they then can spread the love, and the calmness and the beauty to the world and become part of the project.
A better and an Enlightened world because of Enlightened people.
It sounds simple, but it's not easy. We really believe that the world could be a better place for literally everyone if each person starts working on themselves, on their personal and also inner growth.
A better word can be here if we all do our inner work, if we face life challenges with a different attitude and point of view, if we see that there is something more than the suffering, the stress and the problems we can then focus on the real beauty the world and all the people offer to us.
In this fast paced world stress, burnout, axiety and depression are rising and having a Safe Place to go to, Health and Healing seem like a big luxury and people are afraid to step up for themselves.
We believe the real problem is that people are so chained to their own suffering, their own problems and issues that they don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but still prefer to stay put because of money. We believe that Healing and Being a better Person for a better world should not be a privilege. That's why we want to provide a place where people can get in concact with themselves, find a safe place to be authentic, to experience personal and inner growth as well as being part of a supportive community.

Wellness and Health are growing needs, more and more people are looking for a safe and rea place to feel understood, connceted, to heal and to learn how to face life challenges. We see this need everyday here. You can easily go to a supermarket and see how people are really feeling, how they are doing and how much they are trapped into their life difficulties.
We are creating a community wchich is very small right now, but we aim to grow offering affordable classes, both to adults but as well to elderlies and also creating a fun space for kids, thus helping both kids have fun and learn something new as well as giving parents a place where to leave the kids without fear of costs.
- Yoga Classes to move the body and explore our inner journey, to connect body and mind to relax and become everyday stronger and healthier
- Art and Teather Classes to let the creative side of each one come out as a tool to use in everyday life, to learn how to recognise and see our emotions and not be scared of them
- Meditation Sessions to connect with our Higherself, find peace and
- English Classes to kids to help them learn something new, be prepared for life (we all know English is very important and useful)
- Activities for Elderlies to help them have a space to meet up, have fun, be creative, be seen and heard (this can include yoga for elderlies, art activities, walks and so on..)
With your help and contribution we are raising $20.000 to
- We are just starting and got a studio so honestly to be able to keep offering affordable prices while being able to pay rent and bills
(so far we just did open air activities, so only during summer) - Make the studio a like-home safe space giving the final touch to make it even more warm and comfy
- Create more Free events and workshops to give the opportunity to whomever cannot afford it, to participate and still be part of the movement
- Expand our reach to people who don't know the existance of this new place and give them the opportunity to change theirlife
Each and every contribution will be recognized and given value in our Studio. Helena is also willing to give a free coaching or yoga session to each and every doner (if you contact her) who believe in the cause and wants to participate in the movement. Because if you do donate, you also want to change the world and so you truly are a participant of our movement.
KRIS is owned by Helena Mercuri and Andrea Grosso, but it's more a MOVEMENT to change the world for a better future, starting from each individual.
With their passion to help others they made Service their mission in order to plant seeds for a better society, where people can live with more awareness, more self-aware and self-conscious. By contributing to this funding, you are part of the movement, you're helping us grow and expand a space which will impact so many lives, with your help we can reach even more people who also will have an impact on others creating a ripple effect.
Your contribution is important, not for us but mainly to all the poeple that will come to our center and feel the energy, get themselves together and find a place where they can decompress and be calm and serene.
Thank you so much for investing in a mission that is here to Serve humans, thank you for being part of the Kris Movement.
Together we will change the World.
The Campaign FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions:
How will my contribution be used?
We will use all the money to fund our studio, promote the activities, pay part of the rent and bills, offer classes, workshops and seminars to whomever cannot affort it.
What impact will my contribution make?
Every contriutions makes a difference! your contribution helps us create accessible health and wellness opportunities for individuals, support our growth and ensure our safe place remains a welcoming place for connections, healing and sharing.
How can I share this campaign with others?
We’d love for you to help us spread the word! Share the campaign link on your social media platforms, send it to friends and family, and talk about why you chose to contribute to this campaign. Together, we can create a greater impact.
How can I learn more about The Healing Tree Collective?
Although our content is still only in Italian feel fre to Visit our website or YouTube Channel or contact us at [email protected]
We're here ready to answer all your questions.
Just Because I Care
Just Because I Care